Environmental Protection & Disposal

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As a company, we aim to make a positive contribution to the well-being of our environment and promote sustainable use of Earth's resources. For this reason, we continuously strive to enhance the sustainability of our operations in all processes. Some examples include complying with legal requirements, utilizing solar panels, planning the installation of an electric vehicle charging station, and reducing our electricity consumption through smart building technology.


Packaging & Shipping

Another focus is the recyclability of our packaging materials and providing the opportunity for employees and customers to dispose of their packaging waste directly at our store location. Following the motto "the best waste is the waste that never happens," our goal is to avoid packaging waste altogether. To achieve this, we aim to minimize individual shipments and regularly reuse our cardboard packaging.

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Electrical and Electronic Equipment - Information on environmentally friendly disposal for private households

Under the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG), large retailers are obligated to take back certain electrical and electronic equipment free of charge. The take-back obligation applies to both brick-and-mortar and online retailers. The following are the main requirements and contents summarized:


Separate collection of old devices

Electrical and electronic equipment that is no longer functional or is to be disposed of, thus becoming "electronic waste," is referred to as old devices. Every consumer is obliged to separate old devices from unsorted municipal waste. Disposal via household waste is prohibited.


Batteries and accumulators

Owners of old devices must separate batteries and accumulators not enclosed within the old device, as well as lamps or light sources that can be removed non-destructively from the old device, before they are sent for recycling.


Options for returning old devices

According to the ElektroG, we as retailers are obligated to take back old electrical and electronic equipment from private households under the requirements listed below. In general, owners of old devices can return their waste to collection points operated by public waste disposal authorities, manufacturers, or retailers.


Large electrical & electronic equipment

  • We as retailers are obligated to take back an old device free of charge if a new and similar device, essentially fulfilling the same functions, is simultaneously provided to the end consumer. For example, a mixer will be taken back free of charge when a comparable new product is purchased simultaneously.
  • The obligation for free take-back applies according to ElektroG for devices in categories 1 (heat exchangers), 2 (screens, monitors), and 4 ("large appliances," where at least one dimension exceeds 50 centimeters).


Small electrical- & electronic equipment

  • Additionally, we as retailers are obligated to take back an old device free of charge, regardless of the purchase of a new device, if no external dimension of the respective old device exceeds 25 centimeters. This category includes, for example, effects pedals, headphones, etc. The take-back is limited to household quantities per type of device.


If you have any questions regarding the return of old devices, we are happy to assist you by phone (02961-9790-100) or via email (shop@musicworldbrilon.de).


Privacy Notice

Since old devices often contain personal data, please remember to delete all data before returning them, for your own interest. Each end user is responsible for deleting personal data from their old devices.

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Meaning of the symbol "crossed-out waste bin"

Electrical and electronic equipment marked with the symbol of a crossed-out waste bin depicted here must not be disposed of with household waste. Consumers are obliged under the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act to separate devices marked with a crossed-out waste bin from unsorted municipal waste and to send them for recycling.


Batteries & Accumulators in Devices

Please remove, if possible, all batteries or accumulators from your old devices and dispose of them separately.


Further information on the ElektroG topic is available, among others, at EAR (Foundation for Electrical Appliances Register) at: https://www.stiftung-ear.de/de/startseite.

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Batteries & Accumulators

Batteries & accumulators contain valuable raw materials and pollutants that should be recycled. For this reason, every consumer is legally obligated by the Battery Act (BattG) to return used batteries & accumulators to an authorized collection point and thus contribute to the recycling cycle. Disposal in household waste is therefore not permitted.

Pollutant-containing batteries & accumulators are marked both by a crossed-out waste bin symbol and by the chemical symbols for Cd (cadmium), Hg (mercury), and Pb (lead):

Pb: This battery contains a lead content of more than 0.004 percent Cd: This battery contains a cadmium content of more than 0.002 percent Hg: This battery contains a mercury content of more than 0.0005 percent

Used batteries & accumulators can be returned free of charge at our store's service desk (Music World Brilon, Hasselborn 53-55, 59929 Brilon), at other battery retail outlets, or at public waste disposal authorities (örE).

Further information is available from EAR (Foundation for Electrical Appliances Register) at: https://www.stiftung-ear.de/en/home.


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